Friday, January 19, 2007

My organs have melted due to the fury raging inside me.


So I go online about 30 minutes ago to make sure that my flight tonight isn't delayed. It's not. No delay at all. Why? BECAUSE IT WAS CANCELLED. Thank goodness I looked. They insist that they called my home phone. Convenient. Whatever. (I made a point of giving her my cell phone for any other surprises.) All I know is that I was sitting here feeling peachy and suddenly my flight's CANCELLED. Reason? Because it's windy in Newark.

So I'm on the phone with Continental and I'm asking for options. The woman checks my reservation and is like, "Ooh! You've been switched to another flight!" Great! What time? Apparently, some braintrust at Continental thought it would be smart to switch someone traveling at 7pm on a Friday to a 4:50pm flight. Seriously? I'd have to leave right now. And I wouldn't make it. AND, like most Friday evening travelers, I'm still at work. SO, my best option was to be switched to a 9pm flight that apparently isn't cancelled. It's on an Embraer.

Review with me, worthy friend: My original Boeing 737 can't fly at all (not even with a delay) because of the wind in Newark but Continental's willing to send me up there 2 hours later in a 30-pound piece of tin? Sweet.

So now I'm enraged, stuck at work until late (because I'm not lugging this bag all the way back to DC when I can see the airport from my office building), and probably headed toward my death.

Go fuck yourself, Continental. Right in the ear.


Anonymous said...

I haven't seen you this mad since someone booked you on flight out of Ho An on a flight you didn't want to take.

cm said...

Amazing how your day went from Grey's Anatomy to telling Continental what they can do in their ear.

Dumb asses. The whole lot of them.

Anonymous said...

Tong! You and your O face are hilarious.

Wow Al, your day sucks even more than Grey's Anatomy.

Has there ever been a shittier show, ever? I've watched under two hours of it since it came out, and it gets more preposterous by the second. Yesterday, my metro roommate made me watch some of it, and the hot chick from Old School had her long lost dad show up, and they had some idiotic conversation about snoring that made me want to fuck myself in the ear like Continental. THEN the show went into a two minute montage (every film needs a montage!) of the girl from sideways looking sad, and that guy that the black guy hates looking sad, with slow zooms on both of them, and some garbage, GARBAGE!!! Sarah McLaughlin rape rock playing, since the craptastic writers couldn't fill an hour of tv, so, like every time I've seen the show, they decided to end with some treacly slow zoom sad girl muzak. VOMIT.

Thanks, I feel better now.

Unknown said...

The minus 10 degree weather in Albany should reconstitute your melted organs.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Lao Aviation would have been a more pleasant experience... too bad you never got to experience it.