Thursday, June 28, 2007

Mad Props

Although I am not supporting her husband's bid for the presidency, I find Elizabeth Edwards one heck of a lady. Not only do I give her props for telling Ann Coulter that she's a hateful hack, I am happy to oblige with what Mrs. Edwards is way too classy to say:

Hey, Ann Coulter: Shut. The. Fuck. Up.


(The link is to Towleroad, one of my favorite blogs on the interwebs.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know, I've actually read on of Anne's books. Just like I listened to Dr. Laura -- it's all in the "know thy enemy" category.

I'm so happy that SOMEONE more important than I called her on her senseless shit. Thanks to Terenzone to pointing this out.

I should point out that I TRIED to read her book -- it's so circular in its arguments that my head hurt.