I bought a new laptop! S/he’ll be waiting for me in NJ when I get there on Friday. I’m very excited. In case anyone else is planning on buying a macbook, I should note that I went through Amazon instead of the Apple Store. Even if I were to follow the instructions of my unscrupulous friend (cough…Josh…cough) and take advantage of the Apple Store’s student discount, the discount price is the same as Amazon’s price with a rebate. The clincher for me was not having to pay tax at Amazon and, of course, being able to get my new baby overnighted for only $1.99 due to my Amazon Prime membership. (Genger pointed out earlier that I often mention my Amazon Prime membership. I do this for two reasons: (1) if friends need something from Amazon fast, I’m happy to order it for them; (2) it’s without a doubt the best thing I ever forgot to cancel after the initial free period.)
Now comes the fun part:
Now comes the fun part:
Speaking of unscrupulous, how about letting all your friends gravy train your amazon prime membership. Hmm? Hmm?
Because why not. "Pididdle the MacBook." I think it has a rather nice ring to it.
I won a Roomba. I'm pretty excited about that, although I think I do want a new computer and your laptop is looking pretty spiffy.
Home? Again? When will I gaze upon your prettyness?
A Mac is perfect because, like you, they have compatibility issues with just about everything out there.
Anonymous, that was very funny. And very true. ;-)
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