Thursday, February 01, 2007

I feel like Madonna.

I bought a new laptop! S/he’ll be waiting for me in NJ when I get there on Friday. I’m very excited. In case anyone else is planning on buying a macbook, I should note that I went through Amazon instead of the Apple Store. Even if I were to follow the instructions of my unscrupulous friend (cough…Josh…cough) and take advantage of the Apple Store’s student discount, the discount price is the same as Amazon’s price with a rebate. The clincher for me was not having to pay tax at Amazon and, of course, being able to get my new baby overnighted for only $1.99 due to my Amazon Prime membership. (Genger pointed out earlier that I often mention my Amazon Prime membership. I do this for two reasons: (1) if friends need something from Amazon fast, I’m happy to order it for them; (2) it’s without a doubt the best thing I ever forgot to cancel after the initial free period.)

Now comes the fun part:

Name the laptop:
Miss Kitty Mactastico
Big Black Mac (thanks, Jaye!)
Obsidian Thunder
Other (write-ins accepted through the comments section)
In lieu of a name, I have to say "I like my macbooks like I like my men" whenever I mention it. free polls


Anonymous said...

Speaking of unscrupulous, how about letting all your friends gravy train your amazon prime membership. Hmm? Hmm?

cm said...


Because why not. "Pididdle the MacBook." I think it has a rather nice ring to it.

Anonymous said...

I won a Roomba. I'm pretty excited about that, although I think I do want a new computer and your laptop is looking pretty spiffy.

Home? Again? When will I gaze upon your prettyness?

Anonymous said...

A Mac is perfect because, like you, they have compatibility issues with just about everything out there.

The TerenZoner said...

Anonymous, that was very funny. And very true. ;-)