Monday, April 09, 2007

My left arm was sliced off and reattached.

So I had a number of really bizarre dreams this morning. The longer I sleep, the weirder my dreams tend to become, so it was no surprise that a lazy trip to Jersey would elicit some wackiness. I wasn't expecting so much terror-related material, though. Most of my dreams involved a terrorist attack or some other apocalyptic situation. One time my dad was there. One time I was with Rose from Lost. None of it was particularly fun. Especially the zombie dog that tried to eat me in my parents' house. Not cool, Zombie Dog. Not cool.

Much more fun was an earlier dream where my left arm was sliced off. I was working somewhere where there was this big machine that resembled a very large paper cutter. Somehow my left arm got sliced off at the shoulder. In my dream, I remember right before the accident and then I remember waking up from surgery and my arm was reattached! For most of the dream, I'm tooling around the hospital in a wheelchair and showing people the scar. I even flirted with some blond woman who asked me if I worked for the State Department. (Not sure the significance of any of that.) The weirdest part is that my arm felt really sore for the entire dream. When I woke up, I had to actually feel my shoulder to see whether or not the reattachment seam was there. It was quite the relief when I figured out it wasn't. But my arm was still sore.

Meh. Maybe some more wacky dreams on the train?

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