Friday, April 20, 2007


I've been totally swamped with life lately. Not bad swamped, just really busy with work and interviews (more on that soon). I didn't want to leave you without a post for too long (remember what happened last time?) so I thought I'd take a moment out of my currently busy life to highlight a website that brightens my day even when I'm super-swamped:

I dare you to visit this site and not feel better about life or, at the very least, smile a bit to yourself. It's really a bit like Snorg Girl, but with fur.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe I am just not a nice guy, but the cute thing presupposes that one finds ANIMALS cute. What about all those wonderful soccer players and swimmers (and seriously under appreciated lawyers) that we want to ogle for their 'cute' factor? That's what I was expecting.

How cool would it be if there was a menu on the 'cute factor' website that starts, click 1) for cute animals, 2) for cute men, 3) for cute women and then just let you add from there...

I'm such an idiot sometimes.
