Monday, April 02, 2007

Welcome home!

Welcome to the reborn Colonial Jumbo. In reimagining this blog, I decided to abandon the old name (to make my URL match again) and colors and try something a little different. Along with the new look come some promises that I will do my very best to keep:

1) a biweekly post on politics, which will alternate with...
2) a biweekly post on the arts and entertainment;
3) no more than 48 hours without a post of some kind (sometimes just a link to something interesting); and
4) no more than 5 days between substantive posts.

Fair? I hope so. Enjoy.

The first post of the new era awaits you below....


Anonymous said...

Is this mean to be your contract with the world?

The TerenZoner said...

This is more of a promise to my readers.