Thursday, August 31, 2006

Communists hate blogs.

You might have been wondering where the hell I've been for the last week or so. I naively assumed that I would be able to blog during my entire vacation. Unfortunately, communism and blogs don't seem to mix. After a tumultuous arrival at Hanoi (0ur cab driver took us to the wrong hotel, overcharged us, and then we were pursued by touts all the way to the right hotel) I sat down ready for some hardcore blogging when...nothing. At first I didn't think anything of it. Perhaps Blogger was simply down. Oh no. Nowhere in Vietnam was I able to access the blogging site. At each turn I was foiled by forces more powerful than me.

Now I'm in Siem Reap, Cambodia. The blogging site works. But the internet place is closing in 1 minute.


Anyway, I'm back in action. More posts will come soon. Communism sucks.

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