Sunday, September 17, 2006


So I'm back in DC. I've been here since sometime Thursday afternoon. The drive down was, of course, absolutely terrible. Not only did Hertz give me a smelly Ford Taurus (without the GPS thing I usually get) the car's gas tank was empty! When has that ever happened? They're always such bitches about their gas and how you have to return the car with a full tank and how you'll be charged roughly $2000 per gallon if you don't. But no, no gas for me. And it only took another 20 minutes of my precious time for the brain trust at the Hertz in Fairfield, NJ to alter my rental contract to reflect the lack of gas in the car.

It rained, of course. The entire ride down. Visibility was near nil for most of the time, less because of the downpour than because people's tires where kicking up so much water. Is this a new development? I've been driving for a long time, but I've never really experienced this much...well, backspray. Are tires now so advanced at cutting through water and gripping the pavement that they actually remove the water from the road and send it shooting back to the windshield of the car behind them? It was sort of scary at first but, after the second or third hour, it became strangely freeing. All I could do was drive forward and hope that I wasn't about to slam into anything. I bet my drive to DC felt a little like what bungee jumping or sky diving must feel like. Or perhaps Russian Roulette.

Still, it's nice to be back. I've already had Chipotle, been to Cobalt, and hung out in Adams Morgan. Honestly, there's not much else that I can do to make myself feel more at home. I guess unpacking is probably a good idea, too. And maybe, just maybe, I should look into that whole job thing. I heard those are useful for financing trips to Southeast Asia....

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