Sunday, October 29, 2006

If the Dems don't win a majority in at least the House, I'm becoming a bartender in Cambodia.

Democrats: First, read "Return of the Yellow Dog" by Michael Kinsley on Slate. After that, take a moment to reflect on the importance of voting in this election. (Ok, unless you're in DC, but everyone I know in DC should know better and stay registered in their home states.) Although a House win looks decent, momentum is slowing with only a week before the Election. This isn't helping an already difficult road toward a majority in the Senate. Over the next 8 days, the Democrats need to hold on to increasingly less comfortable leads in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Montana, and Rhode Island; pick up two out of three of Missouri, Tennessee, and Virginia; and not lose Jersey or Michigan. This won't be easy, folks. Get everyone you know -- particularly in the important states -- to turn out on Election Day.

Republicans: First, read "Return of the Yellow Dog" by Michael Kinsley on Slate. Second, realize that your party has done one shoddy-ass job of representing you over the last few years. If you're not outraged, you haven't been paying attention (especially my fiscally conservative pals out there). Go vote for the Democrat, if only to inspire Republicans you can respect to take control of your party over the next decade. Also, not to stereotype but, dear Republican friend, you're probably from a so-called red state. Definitely reach out to the fam back home and explain the importance of removing people who will continue to merely support the policies of a failed administration. (And try the "inspiring new Republican leadership" line above. They'll love it.)

Everyone else: See instructions under "Democrats" above. (Unless you're foreign or not a citizen. In that case, read the article and then harass family and friends as appropriate based on their political affiliation.)

As Frank Rich said a few weeks ago, the Dems are brilliant at "yanking defeat from the jaws of victory." Please, oh please, let's all do our part to keep this from happening this year. If you want to do more than your part, let me know and I'll do what I can to find you info on GOTV efforts or, if you're a lawyer, election protection work. Too much is riding on this election. In the immortal words of Diddy: "Vote or die."

(Tee! I just quoted Frank Rich and Puff Daddy in the same paragraph.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I took it to the next level. I stayed registered to vote in ESSEX County instead of registering in HUDSON, since Hudson, according the commercials, is a bunch of corrupt democrats anyway.